Workshop, rescued horses. August 2013

Workshop in Italy, Tuscany, 9-11august 2013

A lot of horses to trim. All of them are rescued and belonging to the court.


We plan to trim as many of them as possible. There is space and time available for beginners who want to help. Professional trimmers are welcome. If you want to understand, compare and apply the American Hoof Association philosophy you have a chance. Please read here the HOOFREHAB PROTOCOL ( Ramey,Ramey,Taylor ) and have a clear perspective of what I mean.

No fees, no charge. We go there for the animals. The area, close to Siena and Pisa in the wonderful Tuscany is plenty of accomodation opportunities. It is possible even to camp inside the pasture.

Look at to locate the place.

Information :


Pareggio senza frontiere fisiche o intellettuali. Principianti e professionisti sono egualmente benvenuti. Io ed il mio gruppo pareggiamo secondo le linee di guida di Pete Ramey. Una occasione per conoscerle. Andiamo per gli animali senza interessi di alcun genere. Per informazioni chiamatemi o scrivetemi. La località é Montaione in provincia di Siena. Sede di IHP.  Franco

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Informazioni su Franco Belmonte

Born 1952. Degree in Biological Sciences University of Genova, Italy. Researcher, CNR of Italy 1977-'80 (neurochemistry) then various task related to biology till now. Active Member and Certified Trimmer of the American Hoof Association. Didactic activity: equine podiatry and nutrition. Area of interest: evolution and physiology. Airline pilot and flight instructor for living 1981-2002.