Preparazione, studio, applicazione

La recente sospensione dei corsi per maniscalchi in Inghilterra (primavera 2013)dimostra che la preparazione si va deteriorando. E in quel paese vengono effettuati dei controlli! La serietà dei giovani apprendisti e delle scuole diminuisce. In altri paesi, la maggioranza, la preparazione di un artigiano quale è il maniscalco viene lasciata totalmente alla intraprendenza e sensibilità personali. Sarebbe auspicabile che i controlli venissero effettuati dovunque ed anche sulle scuole che insegnano il pareggio barefoot. Questo rappresenterebbe certo una complicazione ulteriore della vita ma non a causa del controllo bensì del modo nel quale dovesse essere effettuato. Alla efficienza anglosassone si contrapporrebbe la burocrazia mediterranea. Ciò che amareggia e da da pensare comunque non sono i controlli, la loro mancanza o istituzione. Sconforta la progressiva incapacità a leggere un libro, a pensare e confrontare il pensiero altrui, la mancanza di passione nella preparazione. Che renderebbero inutili i controlli. Il mio primo obiettivo é il risveglio dell’interesse intellettuale. Spero che questo sito contribuisca almeno un poco a questo. I corsi ed incontri brevi che organizzo vogliono rendere consapevoli proprietari o futuri professionisti della serietà e preparazione necessaria per avvicinarsi ad uno zoccolo di un animale che su di esso vive e cammina! Non sono felice per questo ALT in Inghilterra anche se riguarda una categoria che applica principi e tecniche che considero superate e dannose. Ho approfittato per lasciare un commento, lo potete leggere a fondo pagina. Non credo verrà preso in considerazione, tanto è il sospetto e livore con cui sono trattati i pareggiatori in Inghilterra ma … you never know!

Farrier Apprenticeship Program suspended In The United Kingdom by Frank Lessiter, Editor/Publisher  http://www.americanf…ted-Kingdom.php

For decades, the British farrier apprenticeship program has been held up as the gold standard throughout the world when it comes to training horseshoers. Yet the highly regulated program came under fire on April 15 when the British government’s Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) published a report questioning the effectiveness of the farrier apprenticeship program. If that news was not bad enough, another British government group, the Skills Funding Agency, announced on May 16 that public funding would no longer be available for new farrier apprenticeships until the concerns had been addressed and corrected. While there was some discussion that this year’s class of new farrier apprentices could somehow privately fund themselves, that idea was quickly abandoned. As a result, no apprentices, whether publicly or privately funded, will be allowed to start training this summer under the current National Farrier Training Agency (NFTA) program. No new farriery apprenticeships will be available until after the inspection of NTFA, which is not expected to take place until February of 2014.

Extensive Government Regulation

-The British farrier system is governed by the Farriers Registration Act and the Farriers Registration Council. To qualify, farriers must earn a diploma that signifies passage of an examination along with completion of a government coordinated 4-year-on-the-job apprenticeship and additional college training. Only then can they become licensed as farriers in the United Kingdom. By comparison, neither the U.S. nor Canada has any regulated farrier training, apprenticeship or licensing program. Most farriers in North America prefer not to be involved in a government farrier program. The Ofsted report criticized the current farrier apprenticeship program for:

-How long it takes for many apprentices to complete the program. They also pointed out that apprentices starting the program between 19 and 24 years of age tend to do more poorly than apprentices that enrolled at 16 years of age.

-Considerable differences in the qualifications of the training farriers, even though farriers in Great Britain must apply to become an Approved Training Farrier (ATF) before taking on any apprentices. The report showed that having a less qualified training farrier can lead to a difficult and poor experience for an apprentice.

-Assessment of an apprentice’s practical skills and coursework does not take place often enough. Feedback from trainers also is infrequent, often late and not helpful.

-Too many apprentices have to repeat the 6-month blocks of college training and the reasons given are not always fair or in the best interests of the apprentices.

-There were significant examples of bullying, abuse and humiliation by some farrier trainers and to some extent by college trainers.

-The interests and needs of apprentices are not at the heart of the training. And in too many cases, apprentices are not anxious to speak out against poor treatment since they do not think they will be believed or that the NTFA will support them.

-The NFTA has not estimated current and future needs for qualified farriers within the United Kingdom. As a result, it is not clear whether the country is producing too many or not enough farriers. The report also questioned the extent of employment and business opportunities for farriers once they complete their training.

Time For Action

The master of the 700-year-old Worshipful Company of Farriers, Sir Evelyn Webb-Carter, says the United Kingdom’s farrier apprenticeship program is not likely to be reinstated until months after another government inspection takes places in February of 2014.

As a result of the situation, NFTA is developing an action plan to deal with the concerns raised in the report and to get government funding reinstated as soon as possible.

Sir Evelyn Webb-Carter, master of the 700-year-old Worshipful Company of Farriers, says a number of groups involved in the farrier business in the United Kingdom are deeply concerned over these developments.

“I am aware that this will come as an enormous disappointment to the young men and women whose hearts are set on a career in the farriery professions” says Webb-Carter in a statement from the group. “I can assure you that the Worshipful Company of Farriers, the Farriers Registration Council, the British Farriers and Blacksmiths Association and the colleges are committed to creating a new training model that will provide a better training experience for all concerned.

“For our part, we are working toward a compulsory test for all Approved Training Farriers to assess their ability to teach and train, which would be supported by an appropriate course which will train the trainers.”

The statement from Webb-Carter concluded by stating that, “Apprentices of the future can be assured that the farrier profession, for which the United Kingdom is justly renowned worldwide, is in safe hands and that the training, when it becomes available, again will be greatly improved.”

So while most of the concerns concerning farrier apprentices in Britain will likely be worked out over the next year or two, some of the program’s problems and limitations have surfaced. On the other hand, most North American farriers are glad they don’t have to operate under the same rules and regulations. Yet some shoers believe that more government regulation of farrier training, regulation and licensing here in the states would be good for the profession.

Let us know what you think.


Apprentice Program

Posted from: Barry Denton, 6/7/13 at 10:45 PM CDT

I can’t speak for the British as they are raised in a different environment and are used to the government running their lives. We American farriers need to thank our lucky stars that we have the freedom that we do to conduct business as we wish. American farriers do great work so the free enterprise system must be working here.

Posted from: Bob Shirley, 6/7/13 at 10:41 PM CDT

Veterinarians are being threatened by the DEA, that if they are caught transporting certain controlled substances in their vehicles, they could lose their controlled substance license. They are being asked to provide names and addresses of all their clients and would be restricted to the transportation of drugs to those individuals only. So if a Veterinarian gets an emergency call from a new client he wouldn’t be able to respond until he had complied with DEA regulations. Government control and regulation is the problem, not the answer.

It’s survival of the fittest, and poorly trained farriers either get better or get forced out of the profession by more competent and better trained individuals.

government regulation

Posted from: Mona Smith, 6/7/13 at 10:08 PM CDT

Leave the government out of it. Leave it as it is or have it so you have to got to an approved school or apprentice for a certain length of time. But not that long. There are many excellent farriers in the states that did not have to go through such a long training. I so do believe in the continued education at clinics though.

I add a comment that is under evaluation, Franco Belmonte, 8/7/2013

A program must be effective. On line with the time. Barefoot Principles should be added. Look ADAMS’, Ovnicek. This is what horse owners want. Barefoot principles would enhance the students’ sensibility as well.

Questo articolo è stato pubblicato in Letture, Storia, libri, formazione il da .

Informazioni su Franco Belmonte

Born 1952. Degree in Biological Sciences University of Genova, Italy. Researcher, CNR of Italy 1977-'80 (neurochemistry) then various task related to biology till now. Active Member and Certified Trimmer of the American Hoof Association. Didactic activity: equine podiatry and nutrition. Area of interest: evolution and physiology. Airline pilot and flight instructor for living 1981-2002.